The 1960s and 70s marked the beginning of SUV mania in America. And the 1979 Chevy Blazer rumbled in to fan those boxy flames. It outsold rivals and became the most popular model year in Blazer history. Our rugged replica of the 2nd generation K5 Blazer boasts a half-cab, square body, and off-road tires. It's style and power, firing on all cylinders.
- Matchbox Collectors 1979 Chevy® Blazer
- Body Color: Dark sparkle gold
- Body Type: ZAMAC
- Wheels: Matchbox True Grip off-road tires with classic hubs and silver foil
- Base: Silver
- Window Color: Light blue/green
- Interior Color: Dark brown
- Scale: 1:64
Packaged in an acrylic case with decorative outer box. No purchase limit.
Items and dates subject to change. Production items may vary from the photos shown. Mattel reserves the right to modify the color, decorations, scale, body, and wheel type. Product subject to availability. Purchase limits subject to change at the sole discretion of Mattel. Items placed in your shopping cart are not guaranteed to be available for purchase until you have completed checkout and received an order number via confirmation page or email.
General Motors Trademarks used under license to Mattel, Inc.