Spend a day with Barbie and Ken in a replica of the iconic DreamHouse. As seen in Barbie The Movie, this buildable replica is loaded with playful details including a spiral staircase and a pool with a slide. Assemble the 3-story home with 1795 bricks and pieces, including a kitchen, bar, bedroom, and spa. This hands-on toy for adult collectors also features fashion, food, and pool accessories for the micro-dolls to have a spectacular day in the sun.
- MEGA™ Barbie™ The Movie Replica Dreamhouse™ Building Kit
- Includes 4 buildable micro-dolls: 1 Barbie, 1 Ken and 2 fashion mannequins
- 1795 bricks and pieces include furniture plus fashion, food, and pool accessories
- Build the bedroom, wardrobe, kitchen, dining room, bar, pool and more
- Pieces combine with all MEGA and Barbie buildings toys, and are compatible with other name brands
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