• Barbie Signature Francie 1967 Doll Reproduction
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Barbie Signature Francie 1967 Doll Reproduction

Exclusive Sold Out Barbie Signature

Barbie Signature Francie 1967 Doll Reproduction

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Meet Francie, Barbie doll’s MODern teenage friend! Isn’t she groovy? She made her debut in 1967 and was the first Mattel doll with a dark skin tone. Francie has always been hip and happening, especially when it comes to her fashion style. This collectible Francie reproduction doll wears a kicky A-line, striped dress with a hot-pink ruffle and matching gloves. With long, rooted eyelashes and a Twist ‘n Turn waist for loads of posing fun, she makes a great gift for collectors.

  • Release date: 6/8/2022
  • Designer: Bill Greening
  • Label: Gold
  • Facial Sculpt: Francie
  • Body Type: Twist n' Turn, clicky legs

Includes doll stand and Certificate of Authenticity. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.