• Hot Wheels Virtual Garage Series 10: Premium Pack of 5 Virtual Collectibles
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Hot Wheels Virtual Garage Series 10: Premium Pack of 5 Virtual Collectibles

Sold Out Hot Wheels Collectors

Hot Wheels Virtual Garage Series 10: Premium Pack of 5 Virtual Collectibles

AUD $ 150.00
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Limit 8
Per Order

Virtual Garage Series 10 delivers revered automotive brands alongside imaginative Hot Wheels Originals, with 39 total variations overall – 27 of which are available in these packs. Our Premium Pack guarantees you’ll receive one virtual collectible that’s tied to a physical 1:64 car redemption. It’s also the only pack where one of those cars could be the ZAMAC edition of the '70 Dodge Charger R/T. Each of the die-cast editions will feature Spectraflame paint and Real Riders wheels, and be produced in some of the lowest quantities we make for any of our castings. 

Premium Packs includes two “Common” cards, two “Rare” cards, and one “Super Rare” card. Here's the breakdown for Premium Pack cards in Series 10:

  • 68.76% – Basic (Rarity: Common) 
  • 20.46% – Flame (Rarity: Rare) 
  • 6.55% – Premium (Rarity: Super Rare)* 
  • 4.23% - ZAMAC (Rarity: Super Rare)* 

Please note: For best results in claiming and opening Virtual Collectible packs, please use Edge, Firefox, or Safari browsers.  

Limit eight (8) packs per order. No limits on the number of orders per household. All virtual collectible images are 3D renderings. Final products may vary. *During the month of June 2025, holders of Series 10 Premium, NFTH, or ZAMAC cards will receive instructions for claiming a physical die-cast version of the car pictured on those cards. Cars must be claimed during the Redemption Period, the dates for which will be included with the redemption instructions. 

This offer is for a virtual collectible. It is not an offer to sell or transfer intellectual property rights in Hot Wheels, any third-party licensors, or the virtual collectible artwork itself. The virtual collectible and virtual collectible artwork are subject to this EULA: https://www.mattel.com/Mattel_Digital_Collectible_Purchase-and-License-Agreement. Advertised price is the price as of the virtual collectible drop date. Virtual collectible value after the drop may fluctuate. 

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