• RLC Exclusive 1964 Chevy Impala SS
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Launches September 17, 2024 09:00 am PT

RLC Exclusive 1964 Chevy Impala SS

Coming Soon Members Only Sold Out Hot Wheels Collectors

RLC Exclusive 1964 Chevy Impala SS

AUD $ 54.00
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Cruise into the iconic world of lowriders with our special edition ’64 Chevy Impala, featuring the Super Sport trim package. With a working suspension, long lines, and a display mirror to show off its chrome-plated chassis, this is the ultimate modified 6-4. This low-and-slow classic was among the last of the third-generation Impalas and marked the end of an era. But you can take a little trip into a new collectible time with this rolling work of art. 

  • Hot Wheels® RLC 1964 Chevrolet® Impala 
  • Features: Adjustable/posable suspension 
  • Body Color: Spectraflame bright red 
  • Body Type: ZAMAC 
  • Wheels: Real Riders low rider wheels with gold VUM spokes and white stripe tampo 
  • Base: Full metal, chrome-plated chassis 
  • Window Color: Light smoke-tinted 
  • Interior Color: Red with white details 
  • Scale: 1:64 

Packaged in a decorative slipcase and box that houses the nested die-cast inside. Comes with a mirror that can be placed underneath the car to view the chassis while the car is displayed out of the package. 

Items and dates subject to change. Production items may vary from the photos shown. Mattel reserves the right to modify the color, decorations, scale, body, and wheel type. Product subject to availability. Purchase limits subject to change at the sole discretion of Mattel. Items placed in your shopping cart are not guaranteed to be available for purchase until you have completed checkout and received an order number via confirmation page or email.  

General Motors Trademarks used under license to Mattel, Inc.